Our Programmes
We offer a range of free programmes aiding young people's personal and social development, as well as unlocking and nurturing their talents.
Our specialist, customised programmes include highly engaging
1:1 and group activities.
DBA Female Youth Engagement Project (11-24's)
DBA 'Girls Night' sessions - Themes include: self love, positive coping mechanisms, mental health, life skills and relationships
1:1 customised mentoring
Community Outreach Activity Days (11-16's)
Awareness Sessions
Career Building Sessions (16-24's)
Off site activities
Drama, creative writing, film, sports, dance, music, art & design
Q&As with young, empowering female Entrepreneurs
Certificates & awards upon completion
DBA Male Youth Engagement Project (11-24's)
DBA 'Get Active, Get Creative' workshops
1:1 Customised mentoring
Themes include: self love, positive coping mechanisms, mental health, life skills and relationships, gang violence/crime
Community Outreach Activity Days (11-16's)
Awareness Sessions
Career Building Sessions (16-24's)
Off site activities
Drama, creative writing, film, sports, dance, music, art & design
Q&As with young, empowering Male Entrepreneurs
Certificates & awards upon completion
DBA Schools Intervention Project (11-16s)
6 weeks customised programme
Workshops tackling individual struggles and boosting confidence
1:1 mentoring
Informative topics and life skills